Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2016

The Phantom turns 80!!!!

 Lee Falk is the Creator from the Phantom, he created the first strip in 1936. The Phantom was the first superhero in comics.


The Phantom

Lee Falk’s Classic Comic Strip Character,
“The Ghost Who Walks,”
Lives Forever in the Hearts of His Fans!
NEW YORK, February 17, 2016 –
The Legend Begins…
 The Phantom legend began more than 400 years ago when the sole survivor of a pirate raid was washed up on a remote beach. Rescued by the natives of the Bengalla jungle, he swore to dedicate his life to the elimination of evil and vowed that his descendants would carry on the tradition. In time, there arose a dynasty of Phantoms, reared and rigorously drilled in the disciplines and duties of The Phantom legacy.
Thinking that all Phantoms are the same as the first, the Bengalla natives believe he is immortal and reverentially refer to him as “The Ghost Who Walks.”
Creation of The Phantom Comic Strip
Lee Falk created The Phantom. It made its debut on Feb. 17, 1936, a comic adventure series inspired in part by Falk’s previous success, Mandrake the Magician.  The Phantom was the first comic featuring a masked superhero, and with it, Falk was able to successfully combine themes from epic poetry, fairy tales, and stories of chivalry.

  • Es existieren verschiedene Kino- und Fernsehadaptionen des Phantoms:
  • In der australischen Fernsehserie Hey Dad! liest "Nudge" sehr gern diese Comics und ist davon überzeugt, dass es das Phantom wirklich gibt.

Veröffentlichungen in Germany:

1949 - Hamburger Morgenpost
1951 - Frankfurter Nachtausgabe
1977 - Kronenzeitung

Aller 49 Hefte 1952 – 1955
Hethke 1 Album 1982, 49 Hefte 1992 - 1996
Incos 4 Alben 1996 - 1997
Semic 26 Hefte 1966 - 1969
diverse Bastei Veröffentlichungen 1974 - 1984

Today Comicstrips with the Phantom:

King Features Syndicate ist ein US-amerikanisches Printmedien-Syndikat. King Features Syndicate ist eine Tochter der Hearst Corporation und spezialisiert auf den Vertrieb von Comic-Serien, Zeitungskolumnen, Cartoons, Rätsel und Spielen an ungefähr 5000 Zeitungen und Zeitschriften weltweit. King Features Syndicate wurde 1915 von William Randolph Hearst gegründet.
Neben anderen werden folgende Comic-Serien von King Features Syndicate vertrieben:

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